Become A Blood Detective And Identify Clues
For Root Cause Of Chronic Disease!
Become A Blood Detective And Identify Clues
For Root Cause Of Chronic Disease!
The Art of Functional Blood Chemistry Interpretation
The 36-hour live series is coming in January 2025!
To be notified when registration opens, please write us HERE!
(please include Blood Chem in the subject line)
Has this ever happened?
Have your clients been told their blood work shows nothing, yet they still feel unwell? Are they frustrated with being told it’s all in their head or that they just need to destress? Just because lab results are in the “normal range” doesn’t necessarily mean they’re optimal. This is a gray area many end up in.
Too many are being told there’s nothing wrong – in Functional Medicine, we call them the “functionally Ill”.
What’s worse, with today’s insurance billing mandates, Doctor’s hands are tied in ordering expanded testing that could give more answers!
How would you like to learn a proven system of deep bloodwork evaluation that leaves no stone unturned to find the hidden clues blood can tell you beyond that which is used to diagnose a disease state?
Moreover, would you like to discover how you can get all the labs your patients really need, in many cases, even ordering yourself (for a fraction of the cost)?
You can get more labs than you ever thought, and gain more value from the results, especially as you look at them from a systems biology approach or the root-cause approach that is the key characteristic of the Functional Medicine model. Doctors aren’t conventionally taught to look at bloodwork this way, but you can be, and your clients will thank you!!
Bloodwork can provide evidence of underlying imbalances that are often influenced by nutrition; just what you need to better target your recommendations.
By knowing how to view labs through the functional Nutrition lens, you’ll help your clients achieve better health outcomes and the vibrancy they’ve been desperately longing for!
This training provides 36 hours of comprehensive content – not just the what but all the whys behind it! Tons of case applications as well!
Course access continues 8 months after live sessions are completed.
All course slides and handouts may be downloaded to your permanent files!
Course Covers:
Part 1: Overview of the functional lens into lab interpretation and lab ordering options
Part 2: Functional Blood Chemistry Interpretation: all standard blood biomarkers, plus more
Part 3: Optimal Values Virtual Workshop
Part 4: Become a Blood Detective: Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis Practicum Sessions
Note: We highly recommend our 11-hour Balance Blueprint training as a prerequisite before or concurrently with this training. This additional training covers the 6 core centers of health for which blood chemistry biomarkers can help identify. Having this knowledge gives you the maximum value of our blood chemistry training. This on-demand course is available for registration right now. Access details here.
(Ask for a discount code if you’re registering for both courses!)
Course Objectives:
Upon completion of this unit, participants will be able to….
1: Compare and contrast the differences between functional lab ranges and standard lab ranges
2: List the general categories included in the Complete Metabolic Panel (CMP), as well as all tests included in this panel
3: Analyze the CMP to interpret key relationships between tests
4: Identify all tests and test patterns included in the Complete Blood Count (CBC)
5: Classify and interpret White Blood Cell (WBC) lab results
6. Discover shortcomings of the standard lipid panel
7: Evaluate lab results to differentiate between anemia types
8: Interpret thyroid labs from the functional perspective
9. Identify key markers suggesting oxidative stress, inflammation, and protein balance
10. Recognize the significance of acute phase reactant and immunoglobulin biomarkers
In Combination with the Assessment of Physical Signs and Symptoms, Blood Chemistries are of Unique Value in Helping Clinicians Connect the Dots and Get Answers!
This Training Provides:
In this professional training, the functional medicine model will be applied in a unique way to the interpretation of conventional blood labs. Everything involved in lab work will be covered:
Set Yourself Apart by Acquiring the Vital Skill of Blood Chemistry Interpretation to Advance any Clinical Practice, Especially Your Integrative and Functional Practice!
Your Instructor:
30-yr Functional Nutrition expert
and pioneer in the field,
Susan Allen-Evenson RDN, LDN, FMNS
(More about Susan here)
There is so much more you can tell just from standard bloodwork…
Just imagine how much more effective your patient support will be!
The next live series starts later this month!
To be notified when registration opens, please write us HERE!
(please include Blood Chem in the subject line)