Black Friday Special
Save Up To 35%!

Cyber Week Special
Save Up To 35%!

Final Hours – Cyber Week Savings Extended to Midnight, December 9th!

Our training coverage is unparalleled. Now over 450 hours!

Choose individual topics or save BIG with our bundled Certificate of Training program.
Either way, you’ll be a sought-after expert in no time!


(Scroll down to see course listings)


This is like no other time in history. Health is a priority to our public like never before. Yet, at the same time, it’s estimated nearly half the US population suffers from at least one chronic illness. That’s pretty clear evidence the status quo in medical and nutrition support isn’t enough!  

Our public is ready for alternatives. They want answers they aren’t otherwise getting – lasting solutions, not band-aids. They want advice from credible sources—truly personalized advice. The focus is high on disease prevention and more natural health support options.

Ask yourself…do you want to be the practitioner with the answers, the one offering more natural, effective, and personalized support? Of course you do! So, then, it’s time to rethink what you know…


One Size Does NOT Fit All Anymore!

The Functional Medicine approach is personalized! Solutions rely heavily on nutrition know-how at a whole new and deeper level. Here’s where nutritional biochemistry comes full circle into application. It’s definitely more than just a good diet. Genomic influences may also factor in.  Get yourself up to speed because our public and functional medicine doctors alike need specialty-trained nutritionists, and that should be you!

So, how confident are you with your knowledge of biochemistry, dietary and herbal supplements, functional medicine labs, the microbiome, mitochondrial function, immune physiology, and more? 


It’s Time to Be Part of the Solution!

You’re in the right place if you want to become the expert resource needed now more than ever.  If you’re ready to
transform your career and have incredible opportunities for success more than you’ve ever known, you’ll need to fill in the gaps in your education. I did just that many years ago and now I want to help you do the same.

Learning and practicing integrative and functional nutrition medical nutrition therapy (IFMNT) has allowed me to have a tremendous impact on my clients while at the same time offering me the freedom and flexibility to be the practitioner I always wanted to be.  Just as this has been for me, I know it can also be for you!

If you want to help more people, especially those who struggle to find answers, if you want to have higher income potential without having to work endlessly for it, and if you want the freedom to practice at a whole new level, then join me on a learning journey that will help you have it all and, best of all, fall in love with what you do again!   

No more having to wait a year or two for training topics to cycle around live.
We’ve got it just when you want it – NOW! 


We’re known for our live interactive training. It’s fun, and it helps people stay more engaged. We know live training doesn’t always fit your schedule though, so we’re pleased to now offer on-demand pre-recorded course options.

The great news is that all our recordings come from live training! There’s no droning on to dead air—you benefit from live training without being there. And, all training registrants, live or on-demand, are invited to a private discussion forum, where you can network, ask, and get all your questions answered!


Who is This Training For?
Registration is open to degreed or credentialed healthcare professionals and students in nutrition degree programs. You must be qualified to give medical nutrition advice in your region of residence or in the region of residence for your clients. Contact Us HERE
for more training options if you’re a wellness or fitness professional.


Find Your Next Level….


Next Level Functional Nutrition Online Professional Training

We’re Comprehensive, Leading-edge, and Evidence-based



Functional Blood Chemistry Interpretation (Now Open!)
Thyroid Health (March)
Cancer (April)
Histamine and MCAS (May)
Please check back or inquire if you don’t see the topic you’re looking for.


*Course Listing Below*

Become an Authority with our Full Bundle Certification Program

Integrative and Functional Medical Nutrition Therapy (IFMNT)
Full Content Module Bundle 

Become an Authority; Get Certified in Functional Nutrition NOW!
Our 2025 cohort is starting NOW –
Final Days to Save! 

It’s your choice—learn more about specific topics individually, or if career transformation is your goal, get it all in our bundled program, where you’ll become certified as a Functional Nutrition Specialist!

All training content is now offered in an extended access program for four years. This is everything we’ve got—all 450+ hours! 

Bundle registrants enjoy a significant savings advantage over individual module registration, and even better—they receive a bundle bonus package valued at over 6K!

This is the most comprehensive training in Functional Nutrition that exists today! 

Course Details Here!

Our Individual Topic Module Offerings Follow…
Private Mentoring is Available too! (see the end of listings)

The Art of Functional Blood Chemistry Interpretation

This is the one you’ve been waiting for. Registration is now open – Grab Early Registration savings NOW!

Become a Blood Detective!

Are your clients being told their blood work is normal, but they KNOW something is not right? You may be able to help them. Utilizing functional blood chemistry analysis, you can learn more from bloodwork than you think. Looking for clues from a systems biology approach (the root-cause approach) is the key characteristic of the Functional Medicine model. Many Doctors aren’t taught to look at blood this way, but you can, and it can be your tool to have an impact in cases like never before!

Course Details Here!

Course Details Here!

SIBO Solutions Masterclass

*** Registration for this course is currently closed. Our next live series will be held this fall. If you want to be notified when we open the registration, course, please request to be on our waitlist HERE!***

ON-DEMAND Training Available Now

Struggling to help patients with persistent bloating, constipation, or diarrhea? Unsure how to provide lasting relief for those frustrated by food reactions or failed supplements? The SIBO Solutions Masterclass offers healthcare professionals the tools to identify and beat Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) and Intestinal Methanogen Overgrowth (IMO) once and for all. Dive into evidence-based strategies to rebalance the microbiome and address chronic GI challenges.

Uncover hidden causes like histamine imbalances, fungal overgrowth, and dysautonomia, while mastering testing, dietary modifications, and targeted supplementation. Learn to differentiate SIBO types, tackle biofilms, and prevent recurrent infections.

Elevate your practice with practical knowledge to transform patient outcomes and tackle even the toughest gut cases.

More course details HERE

The Balance Blueprint: Exploring the Six Core Centers of Health to Prevent or Halt Chronic Disease

*** Registration for this course is currently closed. Our next live series will be held this fall. If you want to be notified when we open the registration, course, please request to be on our waitlist HERE!***

ON-DEMAND Training Available Now

As principles of the root-cause Functional Nutrition approach – this is where it all begins. This training will lay out the six foundational core centers of health and show you how to identify the signs, symptoms, and biomarkers of subclinical imbalances within these areas, which are common root-cause factors underlying chronic disease.

Once you know the connections and what to do to regain balance, you can make targeted recommendations that directly impact clinical manifestation. This is also the best method for keeping your clients at their peak health and in their best place of prevention for chronic disease.

You may never look at health and disease the same way again!

More course details HERE

Optimizing Brain Health: A Comprehensive Functional Medicine Approach to Preventing and Reversing Cognitive Decline

*** Registration for this course is currently closed. Our next live series will be held this fall. If you want to be notified when we open the registration, course, please request to be on our waitlist HERE!***

*** Registration for this course is currently closed. If you want to be notified when we open registration again, please request to be on our waitlist  HERE! (Be sure to mention the course name)*** 

Over 50 million people globally are affected by dementia, a number expected to rise dramatically in the coming decades. Alzheimer’s disease, a leading cause of death in the US, underscores the urgency of early intervention and prevention, as cognitive decline can begin decades before symptoms even appear!

This course equips healthcare professionals with the knowledge and skills to address cognitive decline by identifying underlying causes, executing functional medicine approaches, and developing personalized treatment plans based on nutrition and lifestyle strategies.

Join the Movement Towards a Healthier Brain and a Better Life!

More course details HERE

A Balancing Act: Mastering Hormone Health for Optimal Wellness

*** Registration for this course is currently closed. If you want to be notified when we open registration again, please request to be on our waitlist  HERE! (Be sure to mention the course name)***

Millions of women live their entire lives believing the myths that they have to not only live with but accept irregular, heavy, and painful periods, mood swings, weight gain, infertility, fatigue, and more as a normal part of life. Men get the same story for their hormonally-related issues – and hey, there’s a pill for that – never mind the root cause!

Unless you’re a doctor, your professional training doesn’t equip you with the know-how to evaluate or assist your clients in this area of health. Don’t be intimidated – the truth is, there’s a LOT you can do if you know more. Nutrition has a more significant role than you think. Imagine if you helped them get to the root cause of their health issues…maybe this is a personal issue, and you’ll be able to help yourself, too!

More course details HERE

Metabolic Mastery:
Unlocking the Power of Organic Acid Testing to Transform Your Practice

*** Registration for this course is currently closed. If you want to be notified when we open registration again, please request to be on our waitlist  HERE! (Be sure to mention the course name)***

The Organic Acids Test (OAT) is the single most significant functional test that every health care practitioner should know how to interpret and use in their practice.

With 75 or more metabolites and other parameters tested, you’ll be able to pinpoint with greater accuracy what is and is not working in someone’s body…and your clients will thank you!

More course details HERE

Functional Nutrition Perspectives on Gut Health

*** Registration for this course is currently closed. If you want to be notified when we open registration again, please request to be on our waitlist HERE! (Be sure to mention the course name in your request)***

Become a gut health authority! From digestive disorders and intestinal dysbiosis to intestinal permeability and allergens, gut dysfunction compromises a patient’s health and diminishes vitality. It makes sense why it’s often the first place Functional Medicine practitioners start with to improve their patients’ overall health. While this course is nutrition-focused course, it’s definitely more than simply recommending more fiber and probiotic-containing foods.

This comprehensive training will supply you with the background, insight, and in-depth clinical thinking to confidently assess and support patients who may present with conditions, signs, and symptoms indicative of gastrointestinal dysfunction and microbiome imbalance. We will discuss in detail the important laboratory evaluations often utilized by functional practitioners, the appropriate clinical connections, and effective evidence-based dietary and natural support approaches you’ll need to help your clients regain optimal health and vitality.

More course details HERE

Functional Nutrition in ADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorders

*** Registration for this course is currently closed. If you want to be notified when we open another course, please request to be on our waitlist HERE!***

ON-DEMAND Training Available Now

Both ADHD and ASD are neurodevelopmental disorders (brain development has been affected in some way). That means both conditions/disorders affect the central nervous system, which is responsible for movement, language, memory, and social and focusing skills. ASD has many similarities to ADHD, but there are also differences between the two.

In this informative training, we’ll examine the various subtypes of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and potential contributing factors to ASD development. We will also explore in depth the critical roles of methylation and genomics, oxidative stress, gastrointestinal function, microbiome, and the immune system.

You will be provided with comprehensive coverage of the clinician’s role in managing ADHD/ASD disorders, including implementing specialty diets, diet dos and don’ts, interventions for difficult eating behaviors, and supplemental support options. Various adjunct therapies will also be explored.

More course details HERE

New Perspectives on Metabolic Disorders:
Obesity, Diabetes, & Cardiovascular Health Through the Functional Medicine Lens

ON-DEMAND Training Available Now!

Cardio Metabolic disease, encompassing related conditions including Hypertension, Diabetes, metabolic syndrome, obesity, and more, is on the rise and continues to be a serious health concern. The individual and societal costs are staggering. Obesity, for example, now surpasses the global cost of smoking.

This module will cover the environmental and genomic factors related to cardiometabolic conditions, as well as discover many other underlying factors that increase risk. Participants will dive deep into many of these factors, as well as discover a vast number of tools available for promoting cardiometabolic health.

More course details HERE

Functional Nutrition Case Studies

*** Registration for this course is currently closed. If you want to be notified when we open registration again, please request to be on our waitlist  HERE! (Be sure to mention the course name)***

See How It’s Done! As you dive deep into (or have completed) your Functional Nutrition training, bringing your knowledge full circle with application is crucial. This online series provides a unique and valuable interactive case work-up experience sure to boost your confidence in using Integrative and Functional Medical Nutrition Therapy (IFMNT) in practice!

To get the most from case study practicums, we suggest you complete our IFMNT Assessment and Blood Chemistry Interpretation training or have completed comparable professional training elsewhere. This series is only open to fully credentialed/licensed healthcare practitioners with nutrition in their scope of practice.

Each session offers 2 hours of interactive case review, 12 hours total.

More course details HERE

The Functional Nutrition Intake:

ON-DEMAND Training Available Now!

Discover root-cause assessment parameters that lead to more targeted recommendations, better outcomes, and more client visits!

Do you ever feel like something is missing when working with your clients? They’ve begun to make changes and are seeing some results but something’s missing…they’re still struggling to meet their health goals or to see the full resolution of their symptoms you and they expected.

Functional Nutritionists look at cases differently and in many cases, this brings more success!

The Integrative and Functional Medical Nutrition Therapy (IFMNT) assessment dives deep leaving no stone unturned! The unique makeup of each patient is considered, along with both internal and external factors that affect overall health and vitality. Genetic influences are also key to a deep understanding of each client. Together, all of these factors contribute to your most personalized recommendations that help to ensure the most successful outcomes in even your most challenging cases.

Course Details Here!

Supplement Savvy: Everything You Need to Know to Become an Expert in Dietary Supplements

ON-DEMAND Training Available Now!

Our conventional nutrition education has prepared us well in key areas like general anatomy & physiology, lifecycle nutrition, macro and micronutrients, body systems; cardiovascular, blood sugar, liver, digestion, etc, and of course, specialty medical and overall healthy diets. The emphasis is on getting nutrition through a good varied diet; one that provides the RDAs for all the essential nutrients. But what about when diet and RDA standards aren’t enough?

In this training series, we’ll explore assessment modalities, including laboratory biomarkers and clinical signs/symptoms, that aid us in determining our patients’ best needs for supplementation and provide the basis for responsible recommendations. Likewise, we’ll discuss the importance of follow-up to adjust recommendations over time.

More course details HERE

Adrenal Health: Optimizing Support for Energy, Sleep, and Wellbeing

ON-DEMAND Training Available Now!

When adrenal glands don’t produce enough hormones, this can result in adrenal insufficiency (Addison’s disease). Short of a frank diagnosis, though, many with prolonged stress exhibit signs of what is commonly referred to as mild adrenal insufficiency or “adrenal fatigue”. While not a medical diagnosis, symptoms can be quite significant for some. Do you know the best support? The lack of sensitivity in typical blood tests presents a challenge and leaves many unable to connect to the real root cause. What tests should you do instead?

This training provides deep coverage of the adrenal system so you can adequately assess your clients to know precisely where the imbalances lie and how to provide targeted support responsibly. You’ll identify the root-cause culprits while helping your clients mitigate common stressors in their lives to regain vibrancy once again!

More course details HERE

Nutritional Implications of Methylation

ON-DEMAND Training Available Now!

The Methyl Cycle is the backbone of our physiology. Its functional status determines our susceptibility to environmental toxins, hormone balance, cardiometabolic health, stress resistance and so much more! Sure, we learned about it in school, but we never really learned how to apply it in practice!

Methylation is a confusing array of biochemistry, but suffice it to say, a defect at any one point in these interlocking cycles will inevitably affect the remaining pathways, and your overall health will then suffer.

Among diet, environmental, and lifestyle influences, genetics can be the culprit in methylation dysfunction. While we cannot change our DNA, if we know the weak links we can create “nutritional workarounds” – we can supplement alternative pathways or withhold from our diet molecules that work against us.

If we don’t address the Methyl Cycle abnormalities that underlie unexplained or chronic illness – well then, the illnesses will remain chronic and unexplained, because it is the Methyl Cycle Abnormalities that predisposed us to ill health.

More course details HERE

Business Success Strategies for Nutrition Entrepreneurs

ON-DEMAND Training Available Now!

You got into nutrition to help people. You’re a healer with passion; you care! That’s why you’re going all-out into the specialty of Functional Nutrition. The problem comes when you can’t bridge your passion for profit.

Getting patients, knowing what to charge, and having a solid business strategy that serves your patients and fits your lifestyle—where were those classes in school?

My Functional Nutrition Success FormulaTM contains 5 Keys. One is “Put it into Practice: Business Strategies to Help You Soar!” Business is a vital component for success!

More course details HERE

The Functional Nutrition Approach to Cancer Prevention and Support

*** Our next live series will start in April! If you want to be notified when we open registration, please request to be on our waitlist HERE!*** (be sure to list this course name in your request)

It is estimated that around one-third of deaths from cancer are due to tobacco use, high body mass index, alcohol consumption, low fruit and vegetable intake, and lack of physical activity. Likewise, we know many cancers can be cured if detected early and treated effectively.

Functional Medicine professionals recognize that while you can’t change your genetics, we have a lot more control over the expression of our genetics than we ever thought before. By assessing for underlying root-cause issues and addressing patient care from a systems biology framework, they know that preventing or changing a cancer-permissive milieu is a game-changing approach!

Yes, you can dramatically reduce the chances of getting or dying from cancer if you know what to do!

More course details HERE

A Functional Nutrition Focus on Thyroid Health

*** Our next live series is right around the corner (March). If you want to be notified when we open registration, request to be on our waitlist HERE!***

Conventional medicine has predictable answers for thyroid disease, but unfortunately, there remain clients with a subclinical presentation that often goes undetected or unattributed to thyroid dysfunction. Even those considered adequately medicated can still present with symptoms. Worse yet, many are told their thyroid isn’t the problem, but if looked at more deeply, there indeed is a connection to the thyroid!

By applying multiple aspects of Functional Nutrition, more in-depth thyroid health support can be achieved. Help your clients find the missing pieces and achieve vibrant health once and for all!

More course details HERE

Introduction to Functional Nutrition

ON-DEMAND Training Available Now!

Offering the basics of Integrative and Functional Medical Nutrition Therapy (IFMNT), this series serves as a comprehensive tour through the depth of topics and concepts needed to truly practice Functional Nutrition at the most meaningful and effective level so you can see how your success will unfold!

If you think of our certification program as a “destination”, then this introductory series is the “travel brochure” showing you a window into what you can learn in our deep Functional Nutrition Training.

Course Details Here!

Biotoxin Illness

Final Day TODAY – 40% off for the 4th of July – Register Now!!!

*** Registration for this course is currently closed. If you want to be notified when we open registration again, please request to be on our waitlist HERE! (Be sure to mention the course name in your request)***

Mold and its toxins (mycotoxins) are at the root of many chronic illnesses and immune dysfunction. Too many people suffer from mystery illnesses FOR YEARS only to be told, “just take these meds.” And they STILL don’t feel well! There is a serious lack of clinicians especially nutritionists/dietitians trained to help those with biotoxin Illness. This course will bring your knowledge of toxicity and detoxification full circle so you can practice at the highest level to best serve your clientele with their most challenging health concerns!

More course details HERE

Histamine Intolerance and Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS)

*** Registration for this course will open this Spring. If you want to be notified, please request to be on our waitlist HERE! (Be sure to mention the course name in your request)***

Histamine intolerance manifests in up to 3 – 6% of the population (with a prevalence in children and as much as 80% in middle-aged women), but how much is unidentified or unreported considering the rapidly increasing number of those who suffer?

Patients struggle with the conventional recommendation of antihistamine medication with unwanted side effects and restrictive histamine avoidance diets. If it’s not a typical histamine reaction, they get other medications (sometimes several). They want more than medication and diets; they want solutions to alleviate the problem in the first place!

Become An Expert and Have the Answers Your Patients Need!

More Course Details Here!

Reach Your Career Goals Faster with Private Mentoring

Private Mentoring with Susan Allen-Evenson, RDN, CCN, FMNS

Learn with a seasoned pro with over 30 years of experience! Private mentoring helps you gain confidence about what you know. It’s a great way to fast-track your practice! Mentoring will ensure you’re not missing anything with case assessment or lab interpretation. Get guidance on those complex cases or with business/career development and marketing. Purchase separately or save on block-of-time purchases.

Platinum Members Save 10%
Not an NLFN member yet?
 learn more here…

More details HERE

Student/intern, Group, IFMNT Alumni Student, and Military Discounts

Student pricing:  Full-time dietetic students, not yet interns, receive NLFN Gold membership free for one year! Subsequent years while still in school, membership is 1/2 off regular price. In addition, students are able to take the IFMNT Introductory course for 50% off regular price. Note: this option cannot be combined with any other offers. Occasionally, sale pricing may be a better option. Must provide proof of current student status. Note: Students are not qualified to take the IFMNT Certificate of Training until they have completed their nutrition degree or are enrolled in a full-time internship program.  More membership info here.

Dietetic interns: Active, full-time dietetic interns qualify to enter the IFMNT Certificate of Training course, full bundle series.  As well, they can register for any individual module training and receive an additional 10% off. Interns also qualify for 50% off their first year of NLFN membership. Members get 10% off individual training modules, so if an intern is also a member, that’s a double discount on training modules! above the NLFN Membership discount. (individual module registration only). For the membership discount to auto populate, members must be logged in before registering for training. Please write us to obtain an intern 50% off code for membership. or the 10% off code for training modules. Note: The full series Functional Nutrition certification bundle is already so deeply discounted, no other discounts apply.

Must provide proof of current full-time student or intern status for above offers. Note: Interns must have completed internship and have become credentialed before they may qualify for the FMNS certification credential.

Group Discount: Groups of 5 or more from the same institution or practice receive an additional 5% off – One payment must cover all applicants. This can be in addition to the 10% member discount (module registration only; full course COT bundle already includes member discount)

IFMNT Alumni students: Repeat a training course to get all the new updated and expanded content – Request our IFMNT alumni registration form with very special savings just for Alumni students!

Military: Dietitians and any clinicians serving in the military are eligible to receive a 5% discount towards individual topic training programs (5% for the bundle certification training), and this discount may be used in tandem with the 10% NLFN Member discount (when applicable)

Contact Us Here for more information!