Healthcare Professionals – It’s Time to Fast-Track Your Knowledge and Give Your Patients the Answers They’ve Been Searching For!
Amplify your awareness of cancer risk factors and treatment barriers rooted in stress/trauma, inflammation, oxidative stress/toxicity, and nutritional imbalance.
Master the systems biology and root-cause analysis approach that provides dramatic results.
Expand your toolbox with targeted diet, herbal, and nutritional supplements support strategies.
Explore evidence-based complementary therapies that can make a difference!
*** registration for this course is currently closed. If you want to be notified when we open another course, please request to be on our waitlist HERE!***

The Functional Nutrition Approach to Cancer Prevention and Support
30-Hr Webinar Series for Healthcare Professionals is Now Available as On-demand Learning.
Recording Access is available for 9 months from registration.
All slides and handouts are available for download to your permanent file.
(Note: Recorded training does not include pre-approved CPE)
Let’s face it…
Anytime we help patients, no matter what their health issues, we’re also potentially working for cancer prevention!
The Stakes Have Never Been Higher!
- Approximately 39.5% of men and women will be diagnosed with cancer at some point during their lifetimes, and each year approximately 400 000 children develop cancer.
- Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide, accounting for nearly 10 million deaths in 2020, or nearly one in six deaths.
- By 2040, the number of new cancer cases per year is expected to rise to 29.5 million and the number of cancer-related deaths to 16.4 million.
- Estimated national expenditures for cancer care in the United States in 2018 were $150.8 billion, and in 2019, the national patient out-of-pocket costs were estimated at 21.09 billion.
Cancer is a Preventable Disease that Requires Major Lifestyle Changes!
It is estimated that around one-third of deaths from cancer are due to tobacco use, high body mass index, alcohol consumption, low fruit and vegetable intake, and lack of physical activity. Likewise, we know many cancers can be cured if detected early and treated effectively.
Functional Medicine professionals recognize while you can’t change your genetics, we do have a lot more control over the expression of our genetics than we ever thought before. By assessing for underlying root-cause issues and addressing patient care from a systems biology framework, they know that preventing or changing a cancer-permissive milieu is a game-changing approach!
Yes, you can dramatically reduce the chances of getting or dying from cancer, if you just know what to do!
Here’s What You’ll Learn
- Risk factors and root causes of Cancer
- Tissue microenvironment conditions that determine the development of cancer
- Common phases of cancer development
- The Oncometabolic deeper picture of cancer permissiveness
- Cancer’s “master switch” and how to prevent tripping it
- Redox imbalances: when and how to provide antioxidant support
- Genomic vulnerability specific to cancer risk and progression
- Nutritional modulation of the inflammation cascade
- Cancer promoting foods, stressors, and lifestyle habits
- Anti-angiogenic food and bio-active nutrients
- Evidence-based dietary supplement and herbal recommendations
- Specific focus on hormone metabolism and related cancers
- The benefits of fasting, juicing, and fermented foods
- The role of proteolytic enzymes
- Supportive metabolic dietary regimens: When and how to use them
- An exploration into questionable diet strategies
- Toxic exposure reduction strategies
- Adjunctive and alternative holistic and energetic therapies: Pro and cons
- Managing side-effects of conventional cancer treatment
- Aspects of spontaneous remission and the mind-body connection
The “war on cancer” isn’t going all that well. Certainly, there have been some life-saving advances. But despite enormous amount of money spent and millions of lives lost, cancer is still one of the world’s leading causes of death.
It’s Time to Look at Things Differently!

The Facts
Cancer is the most feared disease there is. The fact is, we don’t just wake up one day with cancer. Cells mutations are happening continually. When our body ceases to adequately course-correct mutations, things start adding up. Sometimes this is a quick process but other times, it could take years to finally present.
Meanwhile, if up to 90% of all cancer could be prevented by a combination of diet, environment, and lifestyle factors, then surely these things can support the body’s ability to maintain optimal cellular health. The highest level functional medicine practitioners also add genomic evaluation to their toolbox. By assessing your patient’s genomic vulnerability, you can customize a support regimen well beyond basic diet and lifestyle and exponentially increase prevention and treatment outcomes. What an opportunity!

When cancer presents, chemo, radiation, and surgery aren’t always enough. Again, this is where Functional Medicine (with its root-cause, systems biology approach), knowledge of complementary therapies, and especially the deep aspects of personalized nutrition come in to offer a truly comprehensive support and solution set.
You don’t even have to be a cancer expert or work specifically with cancer patients, but the deeper your understanding of cancer risk and the cancer permissive milieu, the better you’ll be positioned to offer the most effective and personalized recommendations that can make a life-changing difference for those you serve!
Who Would Benefit from This Course?
This course is steeped in science and medical nutrition therapy (MNT) and therefore is only open to clinicians who have MTN in their scope of practice in the region they provide services. Dietetic Interns as well as students with evidence of being in a full-time 4-yr nutrition degree program with a clinical component also qualify.

Your Instructor:
30-yr Functional Nutrition expert
and pioneer in the field,
Susan Allen-Evenson RDN, LDN, FMNS
(More about Susan here)
See What Others Are Saying
Here’s The Truth
Our population is invested in health and disease prevention more than ever before. Many are looking past the conventional medical paradigm to a broader level of support offered in Functional Medicine which encompass nutrition, lifestyle, and complementary therapies. Without enough qualified clinicians trained in these modalities, the public is left to the internet and those less qualified for advice.
It’s time we expand beyond our conventional training to the fuller aspects of Integrative and Functional Care – that which addresses root-cause analysis and systems biology approaches that are more comprehensive and evidenced based – this to better support the health and wellness of those we serve!
Ultimately, the knowledge you will gain in this and other courses here at NLFN has the potential to raise you to the top-tier of practitioners with the highest ability to help your clients achieve success in reaching their health goals. With this, you’ll also have a proven model for amazing success and career satisfaction. It’s a win-win all around!
If you want to stand out from the crowd, and truly help everyone that comes your way, you can’t afford to lack knowledge in the deep aspects of Functional Nutrition!
*** registration for this course is currently closed. If you want to be notified when we open another course, please request to be on our waitlist HERE!***
The Functional Nutrition Approach to Cancer Prevention and Support
This is a Comprehensive 30-hour Series of On-Demand Recordings.
Recording Access is available for 9 months from registration.
All slides and handouts are available for download to your permanent file.
(Note: Recorded training does not include pre-approved CPE)
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