Module 3: MicroNutrients / Dietary Supplements

Supplements – Assessing Needs/Quality and Using in Practice

Class Schedule (live session)

All Sessions On Monday nights: 7:45 PM to 9:45 PM ET unless noted

Unit 1A: Assessing Needs: Quality and Using in Practice: Jan 18 and 25

Unit 1B: Virtual Workshop (Supplements – Best Practices): Saturday, Jan 30 (11 AM – 3 PM ET)

Unit 2: Antioxidants with Special Immune Focus: Feb 8, 15, and 22. March 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29, and April 5

Unit 3: BONUS Workshop Intensive: Foundational Principles of Translational Nutrigenomics: Saturday, April 10th (11 AM – 3 PM ET)

Unit 4: Remaining Vitamins/Minerals: B Vitamins, Minerals, Vitamins K2 and D: No class April 12th. April 19 and 26, May 3, 10, 17 (recording), and 24 and June 7, July 5

Note: Due to the nature of the live session format, this schedule subject to change

IMPORTANT: Course Access

Course access is limited to 8 months from the start date (Jan 25). Be sure to review all recordings before then, as they may not be downloaded. That said, all other course materials may be downloadable and we suggest you download them to your computer’s permanent storage as materials are posted. This includes all slides, handouts, and CPE. As a reminder, much of the CPE is earned after the completion of course quizzes.



When discussing dietary supplements, it is important to remember that ‘Food is First’ is the foundation of nutrition. In addition to food, supplements are often needed and serve a purpose in addressing nutrient insufficiencies as well as deficiencies. In this module, we will consider not only food consumption, but also digestion, absorption, and utilization of nutrients; as well as genomic factors that can increase individual needs.

This unit:

As we delve into the need for dietary supplement use, Ortho Molecular Medicine, developed by Linus Pauling, provides a strong rationale for their use, as it aims to restore the optimum environment of the body by correcting imbalances or deficiencies based on individual biochemistry. This is a guiding principle in our goal to achieve nutrient sufficiency and balance.

We’ll explore assessment modalities including laboratory biomarkers and clinical signs/symptoms that aid us to best determine our patients’ needs for supplementation and provide the basis for responsible recommendations. Likewise, the importance of follow-up to adjust recommendations over time.

This section of the supplement module will include an interactive practicum session, looking in-depth at the appropriate choices of multivitamin-mineral supplements. Examples of dosing and protocols will also be shared in the context of providing an individual comprehensive assessment of need.

Objectives and Additional Practice Learning Exercise (Optional):


  1. Explore the principles of Ortho Molecular medicine as a framework to use nutrients/nutrition in support of optimal health.
  2. Gain knowledge of assessment methods in determining supplement needs.
  3. Evaluate and choose common supplements to meet individual needs..

Practice Exercises:

  1. Review a functional medicine lab for an overview of tests provided.
  2. Compare, side-by-side, OTC and therapeutic multi-vitamin mineral supplements and list the differences that could influence your decision to recommend any particular product to your clients
  3. Review the Linus Pauling Papers from NIH Biographical Overview | Linus Pauling – Profiles in Science ( and/or the Linus Pauling Institute website Linus Pauling Institute | Discovering How to Live Longer and Feel Better | Oregon State University
  4. Read 1 to 2 studies cited in the slides of this section.

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***Discount for NLFN students on Dr. lan Gaby’s book “Nutritional Medicine”***

Visit and enter code “Minus 50” to save $50 off either the hardcover or the e-book (Susan’s favorite!)

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