2024 Metabolic Mastery

Metabolic Mastery:
Unlocking the Power of Organic Acid Testing to Transform Your Practice

Summary Statement:

Advanced laboratory testing is extremely helpful and is commonly employed by functional practitioners. This course will discuss the various nutrition biomarkers in detail, focusing on the type of patient who would benefit from testing, the overall approach to analysis, and the implications and applicable solutions when findings are abnormal.


Live Training Session Dates: 

July 23rd Intro/overview session

Series dates: July 30, 2024, to October 1st, 2024. Due to variability with live training, this series is subject to extension

There are no live webinars on August 6th and September 17th. Recorded content may be given instead.

All live sessions are held on Tuesdays from 7:15 – 9:15 PM ET


What’s Covered in This Module:

  • Metabolic Analysis Markers (the majority of organic acids test)
  • Amino Acids
  • Digestive and Malabsorption Markers
  • Essential & Metabolic Fatty Acids Markers
  • Oxidative Stress and Detoxification Markers
  • Elemental Markers: Nutrient and Toxicants



Upon completion of this unit, participants will be able to…

Objective 1: Identify macro- and micronutrient deficiencies and their impact on biochemical markers.

Objective 2: List yeast, bacterial, clostridia overgrowth, and oxalate markers and explain their relationships.

Objective 3: Examine Krebs cycle, mitochondrial markers, ketone, and fatty acid metabolism.

Objective 4: Analyze neurotransmitter abnormalities, their relationship to symptoms, and practical solutions for imbalances.


Practice Exercises:

Exercise 1: List 3 Krebs cycle metabolites. For each one, what does it suggest when high and low, and for each high/low result, what can be done to correct the abnormality?

Exercise 2: Detail the relationship between yeast markers and oxalate markers. What three situations contribute to elevated oxalate levels?

Exercise 3: When > 3 amino acid markers are trending towards deficiency, list three reasons the low levels and five downstream implications from such deficiencies.


Course Access: 

Live series registrants will have access to this portal through April 15th, 2025.
Be sure to download all slides and handouts into your permanent files by this deadline.
Access to session video recordings ends at the course access deadline. Videos are not downloadable. Be sure all video reviewing is completed within the course access timeframe. 

Course Modules

Module 1 Adv Lab: The OAT Test
Unit 1 Unit 1 - Introduction
Unit 2 Unit 2 - GI Markers
Unit 3 Unit 3 - Oxalates
Unit 4 Unit 4 - Energy Metabolism / Mitochondria
Unit 5 Case Studies