2024 Functional Nutrition Perspectives on Gut Health

Functional Nutrition Perspectives on Gut Health

Class Time: Thursdays 3:00 – 5:00 PM ET
Updated Class Dates: June 6th, 2024 – February 20th, 2025
Saturday SIBO intensive: January 18th, 11:30 – 3:30 ET
No classes: 7/4, 8/8, 10/31, 11/7, 12/26, and 2/6

The gastrointestinal system is interconnected with the entire human body. So much of what happens in the gut impacts the rest of the body. Indeed, the gut is the very core of health; in some cultures, it’s even called “the honored middle”. No matter what health outcome you desire, it’s a sure bet the gut must be functioning properly to achieve the desired outcomes. 

From digestive disorders and intestinal dysbiosis to intestinal permeability and allergens, gut dysfunction compromises a patient’s health and diminishes vitality. It makes sense, then why it’s often the first place to start improving overall health. While this is a nutrition-focused course, it’s definitely more than simply recommending more fiber and probiotic-containing foods.

This advanced course will supply you with the background, insight, and in-depth clinical thinking to confidently assess and treat patients who may present with conditions, signs, and symptoms indicative of gastrointestinal dysfunction and microbiome imbalance. We will discuss in detail the important laboratory evaluations often utilized by functional practitioners, the appropriate clinical connections, and effective evidence-based diet and natural support approaches you’ll need to help your clients regain optimal health and vitality.

After completion of this course, learners will be able to:

  • Evaluate the relationship between systemic disease and gastrointestinal dysfunction
  • Recognize and support the most important triggers of gastrointestinal dysfunction
  • Identify the most important and reliable laboratory evaluations associated with microbiome imbalance and gastrointestinal dysfunction
  • Develop and organize individual treatment protocols using lifestyle, diet, nutraceuticals, and botanicals
  • Review and be able to implement therapeutic diets to support gut and overall health

Course Portal Access:

*** Please Note ***

  • Live session individual module registrants – access ends 6 months after completion of the live sessions.
  • COT Full Course Bundle registrants – access given for the full duration of tenure in our program!

Want more? You’ve signed up for this training to expand your knowledge and skills in a great topic. This is a great way to stay at the top of your game as a clinician.

As the application of Functional Nutrition can be complex and many topics are interwoven, those who take a more comprehensive approach to their training come away with the lion’s share of opportunity, not to mention the highest level of confidence in clinical application.

If you’d like to stay on the leading edge, have higher earning potential, and have more impact in your clinical care than ever before, we invite you to upgrade to our certificate of training bundle program. Become a credentialed Functional Medicine Nutritional Specialist (FMNS) with over 450 hours of professional training in the most comprehensive program that exists today!

Speak with a program specialist to learn more – email your request HERE.

Course Modules

Module 1 Gut Health
Unit 1 Intro and Digestion
Unit 2 Gallbladder
Unit 3 Leaky Gut / Gluten
Unit 4 Microbiome
Unit 5 Dysbiosis
Unit 6 Gut-Brain
Unit 7 SIBO Recordings, Slides, and Handouts
Unit 8 SIBO Quiz
Unit 9 Functional GI Labs
Unit 10 Case Studies